I  was born in Seaside, OR on March 18th, 1985.  This small Oregon coast tourist town set the backdrop for my love of the ocean, surfing, and the outdoors in general.  I truly felt like I grew up in a Pacific Northwest paradise and spent my childhood surfing, going to beach, and playing in outdoors.  I can remember drawing being a huge part of my life since I was a young child and I even was allowed to illustrate the monthly newsletter for my elementary school as a child.  This blossoming interest in creativity and art eventually fully came to fruition in high school.  My high school art teacher saw the natural talent that I had for art in general and provided a forum for me to finally express and explore my artistic interests as I had never before.  I entered a statewide art contest and placed second in the state for my age.  This is when I started to recognize and feel more validated in exploring my artistic side and began to draw and paint on a regular basis after that point.  I then went on to attend the University of Oregon and obtain a Bachelor in Arts degree with a focus in Fine Art and specifically painting and printmaking.  The subject matter I was interested had always been pretty consistent, (water themes, the ocean, surfing, dreams, psychology, mysticism, dreams, and expressing my inner world through art) however when I attended school for art, my artistic style became much more refined.  I became very interested in impressionism, expressionism, surrealism, symbolism, and magical realism.  I realized I did not want to focus so much on depicting the subjects I chose to take on in a realistic manner, but representing the essence or impression of my subjects.  The overall feel and style of my art became much more important to me than making the subject look realistic.  During my time at the University of Oregon I had multiple art shows in Eugene, OR and after I graduated went on to have many art shows in my home town of Seaside, OR and where I currently live in Humboldt County, CA.  I currently live in Blue Lake, CA and and am still an avid surfer, backpacker, and nature lover.  I currently work on art as much as I can and am open to commissions of my art which I regularly do for patrons, friends, and family.  Being an artist is woven into the fabric of who I am and I will always continue to evolve and create in many capacities as I am also a musician and write poetry.  Thank you for your interest in my art and please contact with any request for commissions or if you would like to buy an original piece as I currently am only selling prints of my work at this time.  I have also recently self published a book called The Boy and The Moon which is available on Amazon.   You can click on the link here : https://tinyurl.com/y2uhgtu8 Thank you!!